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Provisional Certificates (MBA) Awarding Ceremony


Provisional Certificates have been delivered to the MBA graduates from the first batch of the Business Administration Department at International Standard University on 22 May 2022. Prof. Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, Honourable Vice Chancellor handed over the certificates among the successful MBA graduates in the presence of HTM Quader Newaz, Treasurer in charge, K Ahmed Alam, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Md. Lutfor Rahman, Registrar, ISU, Dr. Oli Ahad Thakur, Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Monirul Hasan Masum, MBA program co-ordinator, Abul Bashar, Deputy Controller of Exam, International Standard University. 

Honourable Vice Chancellor marked this occasion as a historical moment for International Standard University. He expressed that the MBA graduates would be immensely benefitted with this degree in their career. He wished graduates all the best and thanked the faculty members for their contribution to make this program a success.