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Bachelor of Laws

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

To make law graduates conceptualize  so that  they can critically analyze and acquire In-depth knowledge of law in theory and practice and thus can establish and ensure justice to the society and the peoples as social engineer, judges or human rights protectors.
To relate the affiliation of the knowledge of law with other programmes with a view to preparing qualified human resources capable to study law on problem solving methods, case study methods,  and present them in seminar, discussion, group discussion, mooting, mock trial and law clinic etc.
To extend ability of analyzing legal methods and approaches.
To produce professionally qualified skillful lawyers and judges.
To develop the ethical sense of humanity and learning law for meeting the people’s demand of access to justice.

PEO to Mission Statement Mapping

Program Outcomes (PO)

Legal knowledge: Apply the knowledge of evaluation, fundamentals and legal specialization to solve the legal problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research the literature and analyse legal problems and reach substantiated conclusions using provisions of law.
Investigation: Conduct investigations of various legal problems, considering provisions of law, analysis and interpretation of case laws to provide lawful conclusions.
Legal Professionals and society: Apply reasoning informed by relative knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional manners and etiquette.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and the norms of the lawyers professional manners and etiquette.
PLO6Individual work and team work: Function effectively in the individual law chamber and as a member or leader of particular law chamber or legal work base office/teams as well as in multidisciplinary settings.
PLO7Communication: Communicate effectively about legal issues with the general people and with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective opinion, prepare legal documentation, make effective presentations before the court and clients and give and receive clear instructions.
PLO8Life-long learning: Recognize and need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent, life-long learning in the broadest context of legal changes.

Mapping of POs to PEOs

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum CGPA 6.0 (combined) is required by considering SSC and HSC examinations.
  • UGC, BAC, BNQF and The Bangladesh Bar Council guidelines will be followed for admission purposes.

Course Structure

Course Category No. of Courses Credit per Course Total Credits
General Education(GED) 11
3/4 34
Core Course
27 3/4 98
Internship/Thesis/Projects 1 4
Viva Voce
Total 140

Degree Requirements

  • 140 (According to BNQF, Part-B, the minimum requirement 130).
  • Total Class Weeks in a Semester: 17.
  • Minimum CGPA requirements for graduation: 2.0
  • Maximum academic years of completion: 7

Financial Information

Particulars Unit Cost (in Tk.) Total (in Tk.) Mode of Payment
Admission Fee + Form Fee 10,000 + 500
10,500 Once
Tuition Fee (per credit) 4,000 X 140 5,60,000 Semester-wise
Registration Fee 7,000 X 8 56,000 Semester-wise
Library Fee 500 X 8 4,000 Once
Lab. Fee500 X 8
Student Activities Fee 1,000 8,000 Semester-wise
Total 6,42,500

Semester wise Course & Details

Year 1, Semester I

LAW 04211101 : Jurisprudence

Course Code: LAW 04211101

Credit Hour: 4.0

Jurisprudence is a core course which provides the basic knowledge and concepts on Jurisprudence and law. This course is also important to remove the complexities of law and create the legal senses among students regarding different aspects of human beings. Moreover, this course will enlighten students and help them in adjusting themselves with society without causing injuries to the interest of the people

GED 02221102 : Development of Legal System in Bangladesh

Course Code: GED 02221102

Credit Hour: 3.00

Development of Legal System in Bangladesh mainly focuses on the developments and the history of the Indian Sub-continent and at the same time the historical development of legal institutions as well as the court system of Bangladesh. This is a core course for the students of Law where the students can attain a general understanding regarding legal system of Bangladesh as well as it’s gradual development. Moreover, this course will enlighten the students about the representation of law and justice about the colonial courts of India at Calcutta and courts of Bangladesh after independence. This course designed with so many short topics which is important for legal practitioners and it will enhance the basic knowledge regarding law, jurisdiction of Courts and Judges, functions and appellate jurisdictions of court. Students will able to understand about the trail proceedings of criminal matters and civil matters. Besides this course aims to provide students with a distinctive knowledge on the procedural and substantive law.

BNG 02321103 : Bangla Language and Literature

Course Code: BNG 02321103

Credit Hour: 3.0

Introduction to Bangla Language and Literature’ is a general education course which provides the basic knowledge and concepts on Bangla Language and Literature. This course is also important to make the students of law familiar with the contribution of many poet, playwright etc. Moreover, this course will enlighten the students and help them in moral, ethical and sound approach.

ENG 02311104 : English Language and Applied Grammar

Course Code: ENG 02311104

Credit Hour: 3.00

English Language and Advanced Grammar is a GED course which provides the fundamentals of learning English as a second language. The aim of this course is to help the learners to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skill. The course is designed to cover the grammatical rules, formation of sentences and using them in proper situations, techniques and rules of writing compositions, letters and other situational writings. This course is intended to be helpful for the law students in developing their skill in English as a language as well as medium of instruction of their academic curriculum.

GED 03121105 : Government and Politics

Course Code: GED 03121105

Credit Hour: 3.00

Government and Politics’ is a GED Course and this course provides basic knowledge on government and politics. This is also deals with the different types of government and discusses the essential elements, nature, advantages and disadvantages of government. It explains the organs of government. It explains the organs of the government and able to develop necessary critical thinking skills. Student may able to critically analyze the concept of politics, political parties and electoral system of the state. This course will help the students to develop the socio legal sense which is helpful for removing the complexities of law and society.

Year 1, Semester II

LAW 04211201 : Law of Contract

Course Code: LAW 04211201

Credit Hour:4.00

Law of Contract’ is a core course which provides the basic knowledge and concepts on agreement, contract, bailment and different issues related with contract. This course is also important to remove the complexities of making a valid contract and create socio-legal senses among the students regarding different aspects of human beings. Moreover, this course will enlighten the students with the help of moral, ethical and sound approach for adjusting themselves with society and to protect the interest of the people. To encourage business, to undertake more complex transactions, some form of contract law, private property law, and formal dispute resolution system to enforce those rights and contracts had to be established. This course is therefore essential to examine the basic rules of the law of contract, its commercial, social and historical context, and to achieve an understanding of the issues which may arise in a contractual setting

LAW 04211202 : Muslim Law

Course Code: LAW 04211202

Credit Hour: 4.00

Muslim law is a course covering the general overview of Muslim law relating to family, property and other matters applicable in our jurisdiction. The course content is going to concern the areas where Muslim personal law is applicable in our legal system including laws relating to family issues like marriage, dower, divorce, guardianship, legitimacy of children, paternity, acknowledgment, laws relating to property matters like gift, will, preemption, wakf, inheritance and so on with touching on the challenges of the Islamic law with modernity and will we relate this system with some contemporary topics. Most of the population in our jurisdiction are subject of Muslim personal law, this course will help the students to excel in practice of personal law with efficiency and knowledge.

LAW 04211203 : Hindu and Christian Personal Laws

Course Code: LAW 04211203

Credit Hour: 4.00

Hindu and Christian Laws is a course covering the general overview of Hindu and Christian law relating to family, property and other matters applicable in our jurisdiction. The course contents are going to concern the areas where Muslim personal law is applicable in our legal system including laws relating to family issues like marriage, dissolution of marriage, guardianship, adoption, joint family, laws relating to property matters like gift, will, inheritance and so on with touching on the challenges of the Hindu law with modernity and will we relate this system with some contemporary topics. This course will help the students to excel in practice of personal law with efficiency and knowledge.

LAW 04211204 : Law of Torts and Consumer Protection

Course Code: LAW 04211204

Credit Hour: 3.00

This course intends to outline the nature, philosophy and categories of tort through the study of relevant literature of English law and explains the application and prospective of tort law in Bangladesh. This module will also aim to explain and take you through how and why liability can be imposed on a defendant, giving you an in-depth understanding of the nature of tortuous liability. This course also aims to describe and extend wide ideas on consumers’ rights and their protection through the study of different principles, statutes and comparative analysis consumer rights of various countries. The study also aspires to appraise in depth understanding and enforcement mechanism of consumer rights

LAW 04211205 : Principles of Equity and Trust

Course Code: LAW 04211205

Credit Hour: 4.00

This course aims to enable students, through the study of cases, statutes and other materials, to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of, and competence in, equity principles. Law of equity is an ethical jurisdiction as well as sometimes it uses as a synonym of natural justice. On a more legalistic level, however, equity is the branch of law that was administrated in the court of chancery prior to the Judicature Act, 1873and 1875. This was a jurisdiction evolved to achieve justice and to overcome the rigorous and deficiencies of the common law. This chancery courts principle had a great influence and, in some cases, it has been incorporated in our legal system as a principle of justice and fairness. The principles of equity also included in different statute of our country. This course also introduces the students to the jurisdiction of the law of trust. The concept of trust is a major emanation of equity; as a result, this part also examines the nature of trusts and the rights and obligations to which they give rise. This course also aims to enable students, through the study of cases, statutes and other material, to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of, and competence in the law of trusts.

LAW 04211206 : Viva Voce -I

Course Code: LAW 04211206

Credit Hour: 1.00

Year 2, Semester I

LAW 04212101 : Constitutional Law of Bangladesh

Course Code: LAW 04212101

Credit Hour:4.00

Constitutional Law, the area of law dealing with the relationship among different branches of government and its citizens, underpins all other areas of law. The objective of this course is to create a meaningful understanding of basic philosophical tenets of Bangladesh Constitutional Law. It is to underline the significance of our constitution as supreme law of the land. Students are expected to have developed a feel of constitutional interpretations as a technic of adopting laws to changing social mores. The course aims at instilling not just a bare understanding but a perspective on constitutional developments in Bangladesh. This course aims to enable the students to illustrate fundamental principles of Bangladesh Constitution, to gain awareness of key bodies that influence constitutional law in Bangladesh, to gain understanding of the legal theories that underpin the Bangladesh Constitution. In addition, students will be expected to consider and respond to criticism of subsisting law and research techniques. This course is included in the syllabus of the BJSC and closely relevant to establish fundamental rights of individual and at the time of judicial review in the Court arena. So, this course provides some important elements which are very effective relevant to students in their upcoming practical life.

LAW 04212102 : Constitutional Law of UK and USA

Course Code: LAW 04212102

Credit Hour:4.00

This course is designed to display an important part of legal aspect which is relating to constitutional law of UK and USA. The students can evaluate through the study, case laws and other materials to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on constitutional law of UK and USA. This course provides with the depth expose on Historical evolution of British Constitution, characteristics, conventions, the Monarchy, ministry and cabinet, ministerial responsibility, British Parliament, Judiciary of UK and especial doctrines on UK Constitution, the historical evolution of the USA Constitution, characteristics, Federal Government, the Executive, ministry and cabinet, Parliament, Judiciary of USA and remarkable doctrines on USA Constitution.

GED 03192103 : Criminology

Course Code: GED 03192103

Credit Hour:3.00

The course aims to enable the students, to acquire an inclusive knowledge and understanding on the fundamentals of crime and criminal justice system. The student’s will examination the historical origins and contemporary theoretical perspectives on the causes of crime and criminality including: physical and genetic factors; psychological theories; and sociologically based theories of crime. Furthermore, the students will also learn about existing situation regarding white collar crime, juvenile delinquency, female criminality, punishment systems and existing police system of different countries.

LAW 04212104 : Islamic Law of Inheritance

Course Code: LAW 04212104

Credit Hour:4.00

This is an important component of Personal Law. The course will focus on law of Inheritance, including transfer of property through Gifts, Wills and Waqf and their legal consequences. The aim of this course is to provide the students with a general overview of the basic themes and issues on Inheritance, Gifts, Wills and Waqf. The statutory reforms both in Bangladesh and other Muslim countries and in case of Hindu law, Christian law relevant matters relating these issues would also be discussed in this regard.

GED 02222105 : History of Emergence of Bangladesh

Course Code: GED 02222105

Credit Hour:3.00

Circumventing the history of a country and a nation, no education is sufficient to create a skilled graduate. Considering the importance, the course aims to enable the students, to acquire an inclusive knowledge and understanding on the history of emergence of Bangladesh. Through this course the students will acquire knowledge on Formation of India & Pakistan, 1947 & East Bengal as a part of Pakistan, Language Controversy and Language Movement, 1952, The Election of United Front, 1954, the Constitution Movement, 1956 & Education Movement, 1962, Six Point Movement, 1966 & Agartala Conspiracy Case, 1968, etc. The students will also examine different incidents that raised the question of independence of Bangladesh which will help them to understand the impediments that faced by the then East Bengal, the geo-politics that emerged at the time of the liberation of Bangladesh, the necessity of liberation, the contribution of different martyred and patriotic people of the country which will help to develop their ethical values and become more patriot. This course focuses on Mass Uprising, 1969, Bangabondhu- Title given to Sheikh Mujibor Rahman, Cyclone of 1970’s & response to it, General Election of 1970’s, Liberation War of Bangladesh, General Information on Bangladesh etc.

Year 2, Semester II

LAW 04212201 : Labour Laws

Course Code: LAW 04212201

Credit Hour:4.00

This course aims to provide students with knowledge of labour law, especially the nature and scope of labor law, the rational of labor laws in organizations, the international labor organization, the labor laws of Bangladesh, occupational hazards and risk, and managing employee relations at work. This course is structured with the opportunity to explore a basic theoretical approach to industrial relations with the dominant objective of the course being to develop a practical understanding of the dynamics of industrial relations in Bangladesh. This course focuses on institutional structures, policies and procedures in industrial relations, method of conflict resolutions including arbitration and bargaining. The course covers other topics and issues on terms and conditions of employment, employer-employee relationships, health, hygiene, safety, welfare, leave and holiday, right to wages etc.

LAW 04212202 : Law of Transfer of Property and Registration

Course Code: LAW 04212202

Credit Hour:3.00

This course is designed to display an important part of legal aspect which is relating to transfer of property to the students. This course is very important that the transfer of property is practically relating to everyone. So, we should read the course to know some fundamental principles regarding law of transfer of property. Though the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is mainly designed to transfer the property between two groups of living persons but it has an interesting procedure to transfer the property for the benefit of unborn person. Another important aspect of this Act that the course is mainly designed to deal with several aspects of transfer of immoveable properties (though few are equally applicable to moveable property) nature of transferable properties, modes of transfer (sale, mortgage, lease, gift, exchange), restrictions relating to transfer etc. This course is included in the syllabus of the BJSC and closely relevant to the Civil Suit in the Court arena. So this course provides some important elements which are very effective relevant to students in their upcoming practical life.

GED 04112203 : Modern Taxation in Bangladesh

Course Code: GED 04112203

Credit Hour:4.00

Principles of Taxation is a GED course comprising general overview of Law of Taxation in Bangladesh. The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to laws and administration regarding taxation having force in Bangladesh. It will also provide contextual knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when students dealing with Tax related dispute(s).

LAW 04212204 : Business Law

Course Code: LAW 04212204

Credit Hour:4.00

This course introduces students to the laws governing commercial transactions, primarily in movable property. This course provides the student to the legal and ethical framework of Business. Contracts, Negotiable Instruments, the Law of Sales, the Uniform Commercial Code, and Law of Carriage of Goods, Law of Insurance, Bankruptcy and Law of Arbitration.

LAW 04212205 : Land Laws of Bangladesh

Course Code: LAW 04212205

Credit Hour:4.00

Land Laws of Bangladesh is a general overview of Land laws in Bangladesh. The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to Land Laws which having force in Bangladesh and historical development of Land Laws. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with Land related dispute(s). The course contents are designed to make the students apply of land laws in the context of property matters and land disputes etc. with comparative and interpretative methodologies.

LAW 04212206 : Viva Voce -II

Course Code: LAW 04212206

Credit Hour:1.00

Year 3, Semester I

LAW 04213101 : Law of Specific Relief, Limitation and PDR

Course Code: LAW 04213101

Credit Hour:4.00

The course of Law of Specific Relief, Limitation and PDR is a core course mainly covers various reliefs available in civil suits and provisions regarding recovery of public demands. The course also focuses on limitation of filing suits, appeal, applications and so on. This course will help the graduates to deal with and defend civil suits and proceedings with more efficiency and knowledge based practices.

ICTs 06113102 : Introduction to Digital Technologies

Course Code: ICTs 06113102

Credit Hour:3.00

Introduction to Digital Technologies and Services’ is a GED course which introduces the field of digital technologies and services. The course is specifically designed for students to learn the means of applying acquired knowledge by digital technologies and can provide services online. The course progresses from the knowledge regarding computer, online services. The course will also provide the basics of E-Services.

LAW 04213103 : Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses Act

Course Code: LAW 04213103

Credit Hour:4.00

Interpretation of Statutes is a core course. Statutory interpretation is the process by which legislative instruments are given meaning, so that they can be understood and applied. This subject will systematically examine different types of statutes, the body of law which is relevant when determining the intention of Parliament as expressed in legislative instruments. The course will enable the students to consider and apply the rules, approaches and practices in case of interpretation of the legislation. In addition, the course also focusses on the statutory laws on interpretation of statutes like the General Clauses Act, 1897.

LAW 04213104 : Law of Crimes-I

Course Code: LAW 04213104

Credit Hour:3.00

Law of Crimes-II’ is a core course where it demonstrates the comprehensive knowledge on applicable special laws in Bangladesh. It will help the students to understand the laws related with special power, armaments, explosive substances, narcotics, dowry and human trafficking and develop the skills to analyze the criminal justice system of Bangladesh.

ICTs 06193105 : Media, Information and Communication Technology in Bangladesh

Course Code: ICTs 06193105

Credit Hour:3.00

Media and Information and Communication Technology has been designed to provide a sound knowledge on mass media telecommunication that affect media establishments. The course will also examine the success and failure of the current laws on media, information and communication technology. The course introduces students to a broad range of specific legal issues as per the various aspects of media and technology.

Year 3, Semester II

GED 99993201 : Application of ADR in Bangladesh

Course Code: GED 99993201

Credit Hour:3.00

The course focuses on a detailed assessment of the theory and practice of ADR methods to develop an understanding of the operation and implications of various ADR theories and practices and to assess their value. It considers the stipulation of the development and incorporation of ADR options in dispute resolution, in civil, administrative, family and criminal contexts. Additionally, the course explores the application of ADR processes in the international environment, including International Commercial Arbitration, and other forms of international dispute resolution in non-commercial contexts, including those raising human rights and natural resource issues. The course aims to develop ability to critically assess the legal, social and other issues associated with ADR and Legal Aid and to understand the implications of the operation of those theories in legal framework.

LAW 04213202 : Law of Crimes-II

Course Code: LAW 04213202

Credit Hour:3.00

‘Law of Crimes-II’ is a core course where it demonstrates the comprehensive knowledge on applicable special laws in Bangladesh. It will help the students to understand the laws related with special power, armaments, explosive substances, narcotics, dowry and human trafficking and develop the skills to analyze the criminal justice system of Bangladesh.

LAW 04213203 : Law of Criminal Procedure-I

Course Code: LAW 04213203

Credit Hour:3.00

The code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 is designed to aid the students in obtaining widespread understanding and meticulous Knowledge of the law relating to criminal matters. This course provides the modes of conducting critical examination of the law and practice relating to criminal proceedings in Bangladesh. This course is divided into two modules to give students a rigorous coaching in criminal procedure. The course will include an in-depth discussion on the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 with the assistance of different relevant cases.

LAW 04213204 : Law of Civil Procedure-I

Course Code:LAW 04213204

Credit Hour:3.00

This course introduces the procedural rules that govern how civil litigation is conducted in the courts of Bangladesh. The course contains an overview of the entire body of rules as to the civil procedure starting from commencement of proceedings, by defining the issues for trial, to enforcement of judgments. There is specific importance upon case management procedures adopted by courts and the various alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that are used to assist people to resolve civil disputes without recourse to a contested hearing and judgment by a court. Again, the law students must have adequate knowledge in civil procedural law as it is a subject of daily use in the court and without having the knowledge on it one cannot do practice well in civil matters. They need to become familiar with the basic rules and procedures involved in the court based civil dispute resolution process in Bangladesh.

LAW 04213205 : Company and Banking Law

Course Code: LAW 04213205

Credit Hour:4.00

Company and Banking Law is a general overview of laws, provisions and practices relating to company and banking matters in Bangladesh. The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the Company Act, 1994 having force in Bangladesh and historical development of company laws and also to basic understanding of Banking Companies Act, 1991 and other relevant statutes. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with company and Banking related dispute(s). The course contents are designed to make the students able to apply company laws in the context of disputes involving company law issues with comparative and interpretative methodologies.

LAW 04213206 : Viva Voce- III

Course Code: LAW 04213206

Credit Hour:1.00

Year 4, Semester I

LAW 04214101 : Administrative Law

Course Code: LAW 04214101

Credit Hour:3.00

Administrative Law is a vital subject throughout the modern world. An understanding of the role which it plays is essential to private practitioners. Commercial lawyers frequently come into contact with regulatory agencies whose special procedures derive from administrative law. Dealings with international agencies are often governed by Administrative Law. The course aims to reflect the wider dimensions of administrative law, stressing links with public administration, commerce and politics. The course also emphasizes the functions of law in the administrative process and the constitutional role of judicial review.

LAW 04214102 : Law of Criminal Procedure-II

Course Code: LAW 04214102

Credit Hour:3.00

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 is designed to aid the students in obtaining widespread understanding and meticulous Knowledge of the law relating to criminal matters. This course provides the modes of conducting critical examination of the law and practice relating to criminal proceedings in Bangladesh. This course is divided into two modules to give students a rigorous coaching in criminal procedure. The course will include an in-depth discussion on the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 with the assistance of different relevant cases.

LAW 04214103 : Law of Civil Procedure-II

Course Code: LAW 04214103

Credit Hour:3.00

This course introduces the procedural rules that govern how civil litigation is conducted in the courts of Bangladesh. The course contains an overview of the entire body of rules as to the civil procedure starting from commencement of proceedings, by defining the issues for trial, to enforcement of judgments. There is specific importance upon case management procedures adopted by courts and the various alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that are used to assist people to resolve civil disputes without recourse to a contested hearing and judgment by a court. Again, the law students must have adequate knowledge in civil procedural law as it is a subject of daily use in the court and without having the knowledge on it one cannot do practice well in civil matters. They need to become familiar with the basic rules and procedures involved in the court based civil dispute resolution process in Bangladesh.

LAW 04214104 : Law of Evidence

Course Code: LAW 04214104

Credit Hour:4.00

The purpose of this course is to enable the students to acquire comprehensive knowledge and in-depth Perception of the law relating to evidence. This course provides the modes of conducting critical examination of the law and practice relating to evidence in civil and criminal proceedings in Bangladesh. The course seeks to develop the students’ knowledge on the law of evidence and enrich their capability in operating these laws in practice.

GED 09194105 : Medical Jurisprudence

Course Code: GED 09194105

Credit Hour:3.00

This course affords an introduction to ethics usually and more precisely to medical ethics, examining in particular the principle of autonomy, which informs much of medical law. This section then considers the general part of medical law governing the legal relationship between medical practitioners and their patients; it considers the legal implications of the provision of medical advice, diagnosis and treatment; selected medico-legal issues over a human life are also examined; these may include reproductive technologies, foetal rights, research on human subjects, organ donation, the rights of the dying and the legal definition of death.

Year 4, Semester II

LAW 04214201 : Public International Law

Course Code: LAW 04214201

Credit Hour:3.00

This is a core course of LLB (Hons) program that prepares the student with basic skills in analyzing contract laws. Besides, this course also emphasizes on the analysis of the Public International Law. It allows students to develop insights into the global legal system and its influence on both national and international policies.

LAW 04214202 : Civil and Criminal Justice System in Bangladesh (Civil Courts Act, CRO and Conveyancing and Drafting)

Course Code: LAW 04214202

Credit Hour:4.00

LAW 04214203 : Advocacy Workshop (Civil, Criminal and Professional Ethics)

Course Code: LAW 04214203

Credit Hour:4.00

This course will enable the students to get knowledge regarding the basic norm and concept of the Legal Profession and Professional Ethics, the power, functions of the Bangladesh Bar council and qualification of an advocate; it will afford the students to be skilled at client interview, marshaling of facts, opening of a case, and clinical legal education; it will also find the students in advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are most vulnerable in society, are able to: Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. Defend and safeguard their rights. Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.

LAW 04214204 : Legal Research and Monograph

Course Code: LAW 04214204

Credit Hour:4.00

Legal Research and Writing is a research and thesis oriented course; this course is essential for the learners to know the fundamentals of conducting legal research; the course focuses upon legal research, methodology and dissertation writing techniques so that students of final semester may conduct a research paper. By study this course students will be able to show necessary critical thinking and design research proposal and conduct research for new knowledge.

LAW 04214205 : Viva Voce - IV

Course Code: LAW 04214205

Credit Hour:1.00

List of Courses

Particulars Course Code Course Title Credits

General Education Courses

GED 02221102 Development of Legal System in Bangladesh
BNG 02321103 Bangla Language and Literature
ENG 02311104 English Language and Applied Grammar
GED 03121105 Government and Politics
GED 03192103 Criminology
GED 02222105
History of Emergence of Bangladesh
GED 04112203
Modern Taxation in Bangladesh
ICTs 06113102Introduction to Digital Technologies
ICTs 06193105
Media, Information and Communication Technology in Bangladesh
GED 99993201
Application of ADR in Bangladesh
GED 09194105
Medical Jurisprudence
Core courses

LAW 04211101 Jurisprudence
LAW 04211201 Law of Contract 4.0
LAW 04211202 Muslim Law
LAW 04211203
Hindu and Christian Personal Laws 4.0
LAW 04211204 Law of Torts and Consumer Protection 3.0
LAW 04211205 Principles of Equity and Trust 4.0
LAW 04212101 Constitutional Law of Bangladesh 4.0
LAW 04212102 Constitutional Law of UK and USA 4.0
LAW 04212104 Islamic Law of Inheritance 4.0
LAW 04212201 Labour Law 4.0
LAW 04212202
Law of Transfer of Property and Registration 3.0
LAW 04212204 Business Law 4.0
LAW 04212205 Land Laws of Bangladesh 4.0
LAW 04213101 Law of Specific Relief, Limitation, and PDR
LAW 04213103 Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses Act 4.0
LAW 04213104 Law of Crimes-I 3.0
LAW 04213202 Law of Crimes-II 3.0
LAW 04213203 Law of Criminal Procedure-I
LAW 04213204 Law of Civil Procedure-I 3.0
LAW 04213205 Company and Banking Law 4.0
LAW 04214101
Administrative Law
LAW 04214102
Law of Criminal Procedure II
LAW 04214103
Law of Civil Procedure II
LAW 04214104Law of Evidence4.0
LAW 04214201
Public International Law
LAW 04214202
Civil and Criminal Justice System in Bangladesh  (Civil Courts Act, CRO and Conveyancing and Drafting)
LAW 04214203
Advocacy Workshop (Civil, Criminal and Professional Ethics)
Capstone Courses/Internship/Thesis/Project LAW 04214204 Legal Research and Monograph
Viva Voce LAW 04211206 Viva Voce - I
LAW 04212206 Viva Voce - II 1.0
LAW 04213206 Viva Voce -III 1.0
LAW 04214205
Viva Voce -IV