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Faculty Members (Department of Textile Engineering )


Personal Info

Engr. Md. Abdul Based Miah

Professor & Chairperson
Department of Textile Engineering

Contact Info

Telephone: +8809613737373, Ext. 260

Mr. Abdul Based Miah has joined the Department of Textile Engineering of International Standard University in January 2019. Prior to this, he worked for nearly twenty years as principal in different Govt. Textile Engineering Colleges under the Ministry of Textiles & Jute. Mr. Miah received his B.Sc. in Textile Engineering from BUTex and M.Sc. in Textile Engineering from Daffodil International University in 1982 and 2010 respectively. He completed He has around fourteen years industrial experience in different textile mills under BTMC. He also participated in various textile related training programs at home and abroad. His current research interest is to link the academic knowledge and industrial skill in the Textile sector of Bangladesh.

  • M.Sc in Textile Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • B. Sc. in Textile Engineering, College of Textile Technology (BUTex), University of Dhaka.

  • Short Course on the Public Procurement Management in Bangladesh from DCE, BUET, Dhaka-2009.
  • Financial Management Course at BPATC, Savar, Dhaka-2003.
  • English Language Course Training at British Council Centre, Dhaka-1991 (747 hrs).
  • Different Training from Blow Room to Finishing Section, on Production, Maintenance & Quality Control at TIDC, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Participated Inplant Errection Work with GDR (Germany) Errection Team at Dhakeswari Cotton Mills Ltd., Narayanganj (8 months).
  • University Officers Training Corps (UOTC) Govt. Jogannath College, Dhaka.
  • International Workshop on Sustainable Cotton Production from 11-10-2010 to 22-10- 2010, TUBITAK, BUTAL, Bursa, Turkey, organized by UNIDO.
  • Special Training Program on Textile Production Planning & Control Bolton Institute of Higher Education. Bolton. BI-3 5AB. UK. Sponsor: British Council. From 01-01-1992 to 30-06-1992.
  • English Language Course Training at Bedford Study Centre. U.K. from November 11, 1991 to January 01.1992.

  • Worked as a Principal, Govt. Textile Engineering College, Dinajpur, Barisal, Pabna and Noakhali from 1995 to 2015 under Ministry of Textiles & Jute.
  • Worked as a Project Director, “Upgradation of Pabna Textile Institute to Pabna Textile Engineering College”, Pabna.
  • Worked as a Production Officer (Production, Maintenance, and Quality Controller) in different Textile Mills from 1982 to 1992 under BTMC.
  • Worked as a Shift-In-Charge & participated in Plant Errection Work, with GDR (Germany) Errection Team, Dhakeshwari Cotton Mills Ltd.

  • Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Membership No. F-7970
  • Institution of Textile Engineers & Technologist (ITET) Membership No. L-085

To link the academic knowledge and industrial skill for minimizing the dependency of foreign experts in the Textile sector of Bangladesh.